miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Volver a empezar..

What have I done? I wish I could run away from this ship going under. Just trying to help, hurt everyone else and now I feel the weight of the world is in my shoulders. What can you do when your good isn't good enough and all that you touch tumbles down? Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things. I just wanna fix it somehow, but how many times it will take for me to get it right? Can I start again with my faith shaken? Cause I can't go back and undo this. I just have to stay and face my mistakes but if I get stronger and wiser I'll get trough this. So I trhow up my fist, trhow a punch in the air, and accept the truth: that sometimes life isn't fair. I'll send out a wish and I'll send out a prayer and finally somebody will see how much I care..

4 comentarios:

Dressed4Success dijo...

Me gusta tu blog, escribes bonito!!

"Clodet-Illustrations by Clau" www.clodet-illustrations.blogspot.com


Anónimo dijo...

Bonito blog :)

te espero: izaskunfashionista.blogspot.com

Romina dijo...

Me gusta tu blog, te sigo ! te espero en www.miniplaceres.blogspot.com
Beso, Romina.

Tania dijo...

Me gusta mucho tu blog, lo estaba mirado y entonces se encendió una bombilla al leer este post, algo dentro de mi se removió al ver que es la letra de una de mis canciónes favoritas!! mira tu por donde que ya vamos a tener dos cosas en comun...

un saludo desde